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Miriam Dym

Bravo, Tom. I have no idea how you always succeed in capturing the content and feel of a Proust meeting. How can there be NO MORE Proust meetings? Even though I've been a slacker (an excuse, really, really busy) this spring, I think of Proust as a permanent fixture in my life. Perhaps we'll all meet again, 10 or 15 years on, to see how it reads to us then.

I had the thought that where Proust most amazes me is his clearly linked, fully observed internal feeling states with "objective" external richly detailed observations. So many writers give us one or the other, rarely both. (Who else? Perhaps Virginia Woolf, yes?) Linked isn't the right word, since Proust writes as though the external and internal are one and the same.

The previous month, which I missed, I notice in reading your notes, has a lot to do with Zen, especially that quotation about many people _never_ experiencing life. I'm pretty ignorant about Buddhism, really, though I've formed the impression that the biggest thing is to _notice_ each moment as it's happening, that the way of living life in anticipation of the future or mired in the past is a way of living life through killing time. Anyway. Thank you, Tom, for three years of Proust and Proustian friendships!

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