Big ears
Morally serious
Sudden big smile
Disarming ability to talk like common man
Good with stories
Raised by mom figure (stepmom for Abe), without close relationship with dad
Self-doubts during youth
Christianity was choice not epiphany, but employed religious language in speeches when useful
Discussed process of reasoning aloud
Cool, cerebral style, but also great speeches
Comfortable in skin
Does not hold grudges
Infuriates people who have repressed doubts, or driven by ideology or false certainties
Recognized by people with serious intent to do good
Not afraid of war, but not eager for it either
Illinois - Springfield connection
Risks of assassination
Young children
Wife is outspoken, strong-willed
Impossible to ruffle
Disorganized in terms of filing, organizing papers, etc.
Slow thought process grounded in first principles
See both sides
Moral ambiguity
Moral modesty
Resolute once decided upon a course
Interested in fairness
Born in different centuries?
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