I haven't been able to post to Democratdad very frequently this year for the simple reason that my family has been in a crisis. My wife has been battling cancer. And now we have this financial meltdown happening in the markets. After all of our casual prognostications over the past years -- haven't you had these conversations? -- about how the Great Collapse is coming (brought on altenatively by peak oil, national debt, the ever-widening gap between rich and poor, erosion of the values of citizenship, etc.)... well, it's here.
For parents, our first thought is of our kids' future. What world will they grow into? What can we provide for them when we are increasingly worried about our everyday expenses? Already the questions are becoming specific: Do we keep our kids in their expensive bilingual school because we believe (as we do) so strongly in the benefits of introducing them to a second language? If we do keep them there, what else will we cut? Piano classes? Okay. Meat? That would be fine with me, but what about the kids needing protein (I'm obsessed with it, ask my wife)?... Should we forego heating the house this winter? Sounds okay now, how will it sound in February?
Will we have to move from our house, which we love?
We are all entering a new time of ever-harder trade-offs. Actually I know that many people have been living in this time for many years. It's new to me. I'm still getting used to parenting in a crisis. And this experience gives me already an even greater appreciation for parents all across this country and all over the world who are living with scarce resources (far worse than I will ever know). I can say, based on my experiences this year, that there is nothing to make you lose sleep at night more than fear for your children's futures.
If this crisis had happened before I became a parent it would be different. But as a dad I have to stretch my imagination far into the future to anticipate my childrens' needs 5, 10, 20, hell 65 years from now. I'm not used to it. This crisis is not just a thing which will impact me now, but something to reckon with our whole lives. I feel myself needing to grow, and growing, but not sure how.
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