Iowa, what a run that state is having.
First there was Senator Barack Obama's victory in the Caucus last January, which transformed the Democratic primary race and enabled Obama's ultimate election to the Presidency.
Now this from the Iowa Supreme Court, striking down a ban on same-sex marriage:
"Therefore, with respect to the subject and purposes of Iowa's marriage laws, we find that the plaintiffs are similarly situated compared to heterosexual persons... Moreover, official recognition of their status provides an institutional basis for defining their fundamental relational rights and responsibilities... Society benefits [italics mine, I just like the directness of this phrase]... In short, for purposes of Iowa's marriage laws, which are designed to bring a sense of order to the legal relationships of committed couples and their families in myriad ways, plaintiffs are similarly situated in every important respect..."
We all benefit from acknowledging and honoring the love between others. The full ruling can be found at
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